One of the things that has been reoccurring lately in a lot of my sessions is the “normalizing of the human experience”. When we look at ourselves, we often hold ourselves to higher standards and expectations. This often looks like one of the following:

-I should…

-I know…

-I need to….

My response to those things is always “who says that”? Often times my clients sit there for a moment, smile, and then say “no one”. Or they laugh, roll their eyes, and say “me”.

From there we usually try to pin where these higher expectations come from. Through a bit of parts work and a lot of self compassion, I usually end up in a spot where I ask my clients—What if where we are now is where we are supposed to be? What if there is nothing you need to do? Perfectly imperfect. Prickly feelings and all. It’s the human experience.

— Hannah Stewart LPC-A Tx Lic #84432 Supervised by Marie Gray LPC-S Tx Lic #71945


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